Inhouse product
Safe AQ Smart Blood Glucose Monitor (Sinocare)
Brand Name sinocare
Model Number safe AQ smart
Certification CE
Place of Origin China
MOQ 01
Delivery Time 3/4 daya
Testing FAD-GDH System
Blood sample Fresh capillary whole blood, Venous whole blood
Calibration sample Venous plasma
Test range 20-600 mg/dL (1.1-33.3 mmol/L)
Fast Test time 5s
Tiny Blood volume 0.6ul sample size
HCT 30-60%
Expiry date 24 months
Memory 10 test results
Battery life Up to 1000 tests
Model Safe AQ smart
Unit mg/dL; mmol/L
Commodity Quality Certification 3C,3E
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