Inhouse product
Capsule DICARE is a research product of Ergon Pharmaceuticals (Ayu). It is a proven medicine for all types of Diabetes by Ayurbvedic formulation. The main ingredient of Capsule DICARE is Rehmania (Rehmannia glutinosa) is also called Di-huang, or "Yellow Earth." Rehmania is available in China, Japan, Europe and America. Capsule DICARE regulates the functions of pancreas & stimulates insulin secretion. It is protective to the liver and helps prevent the depletion of stored glycogen, which can make it beneficial for hypoglycemia. It helps to block the absorption of sugar from gastrointestinal tract and maintains the normal blood sugar level. It is also effective on Hepatitis, Viral Hepatitis, Internal Haemorrhage.
Some components of Rehaminnia seem to immune system and reduce pain, swelling and some components also seem to balance blood sugar level.
Rehmannia effects energy use and maybe beneficial for people with diabetes and insulin resistance. Sugar extracts of this plant increased insulin production in mice while catalpol lower glucose level in diabetic rate catalpol increased the secretion of endrophins from the adrenal gland. Which helps transport glucose from the blood into the muscles.
Each Capsule contains-
Highly effective on all types of Diabetes. Also effective on Hepatitis, Viral Hepatitis, Internal Haemorrhage. (সকল প্রকার ডায়াবেটিস (টাইপ-১, টাইপ-২) তথা শর্করাযুক্ত মধুমেহ রোগে অগ্নাশয়ে ইনসুলিন নিঃসরণ বৃদ্ধি করে, বাত-ব্যধি, যকৃত প্রদাহ, ভাইরাল হেপাটাইটিস, কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য, অতিরজঃ, নাসারক্তপাত, আভ্যন্তরীণ রক্তক্ষরণ, মুখের শুষ্কভাব, যকৃত, বৃক্ক, হৃদপিন্ডের উষ্ণতা ও একজিমা-এ অত্যন্ত কার্যকরী।)
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