Inhouse product
Salmeterol protects against symptoms, Fluticasone Propionate improves lung function and prevents exacerbations of the condition. This preparation can offer a more convenient regime for patients on concurrent β-agonist and inhaled corticosteroid therapy. The respective mechanisms of action of both drugs are discussed below:
Salmeterol: Salmeterol is a selective long-acting (12 hour) beta-2-adrenoceptor agonist with a long side chain which binds to the exo-site of the receptor.
Fluticasone Propionate: Fluticasone Propionate given by inhalation at recommended doses has a potent glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory action within the lungs, resulting in reduced symptoms and exacerbaions of asthma, without the adverse effects observed when corticosteroids are administered systemically.
Inhalation Powder in Capsule (For Asthma):
Inhalation Powder in Capsule (For COPD): Salmeterol 50 µg & Fluticasone 250 µg twice daily (morning and evening, approximately 12 hours apart). Rinsing the mouth after each inhalation is advised.
Inhalation Powder in Maxhaler (For Asthma): This is a moulded plastic device containing a foil strip with 60 regularly placed blisters containing pre-dispensed inhalation powder. Patients should be made aware that Maxhaler must be used daily for optimum benefit, even when asymptomatic.
Adults and Adolescents (12 years and older)-
Children (4 years and older)-
Inhalation Powder in Maxhaler (For COPD):
Salmeterol: The pharmacological side effects of beta-2-agonist treatment, such as tremor, subjective palpitations and headache, have been reported, but tend to be transient and reduce with regular therapy. Cardiac arrhythmia (including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia and extra systoles) may occur, usually in susceptible patients. There have been reports of arthralgia and hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, oedema and angioedema. There have been reports of oropharyngeal irritation. There have been rare reports of muscle cramps.
Fluticasone propionate: Hoarseness and candidiasis (thrush) of the mouth and throat can occur in some patients. Cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions have been reported. Rare cases of facial and oropharyngeal oedema have been reported. Both hoarseness and incidence of candidiasis may be relieved by gargling with water after use of Salmeterol/ Fluticasone Propionate Inhaler.
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