Microlon Pill 20 mcg+150 mcg

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Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel


The benefits of taking the pill include:

    It is one of the most reliable reversible methods of contraception if used correctly
    It does not interrupt sex
    It usually makes period regular, lighter and less painful
    It may help with pre-menstrual symptoms

Dosage & Administration

Take this tablet every day for 21 days as described below: This tablet comes in strips of 21 pills, each marked with a day of the week.

    Take your pill at the same time every day.
    Start by taking a pill marked with the correct day of the week.
    Follow the direction of the arrows on the strip. Take one pill each day, until you have finished all 21 pills.
    Swallow each pill whole, with water if necessary. Do not chew the pill.
    After you have taken all 21 pills in the strip, you have seven days when you take no pills. So, if you take the last pill of one pack on a Friday, you will take the first pill of your next pack on the Saturday of the following week.

Within a few days of taking the last pill from the strip, you should have a withdrawal bleed like a period. This bleed may not have finished when it is time to start your next strip of pills.

You don't need to use extra contraception during these seven pill-free days.

Starting this tablet:

    As a new user icrolon or starting the pill again after a break. Either take your first pill on the first day of your next period. By starting in this way, you will have contraceptive protection with your first pill.
    Or if your period has already begun start taking this tablet on day 5 (counting the first day of your period as day 1) whether or not your bleeding has stopped. You must also use extra contraception, such as condoms, until you have taken the first seven pills correctly.

Changing to this pill from another contraceptive Pill-

    If you are currently on a 21-day pill, start taking jUicrolon the next day after the end of the previous strip. You will have contraceptive protection with your first pill but you will not have a bleed until after you finish your first strip of this pill.
    If you are currently on a 28-day pill, start taking this pill the day after your last active pill. You will have contraceptive protection with your first pill.
    You will not have a bleed until after you finish your first strip of this pill.
    Or if you are taking a Progestogen-only Pill (POP), start. This pill on the first day of bleeding, even if you have already taken the POP for that day. You will have contraceptive cover straight away. If you don't usually have any bleeding while you are taking a Progestogen-only Pill, you can stop taking it any day and start this pill the next day. You will need to use extra contraception, such as a condom, for seven days.
    Changing to this pill from a Progestogen-only injection, implant of Progestogen releasing intrauterine device (IUD). Start taking this pill when your next injection is due or on the day that your implant or IUD is removed. Make sure you also use an additional contraceptive method, such as a condom, for the first 7 days that you are taking this pill.

Starting this pill after a miscarriage or abortion: If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion, your doctor may tell you to start taking this pill straight away. This means that you will have contraceptive protection with your first pill. Contraception after having a baby if you have just had a baby, ask your doctor for advice about contraception.

If you are not breast-feeding:

    You can start taking this pill three weeks after the birth or more than three weeks after the birth but you need to use extra contraception, such as a condom until you have taken the first seven pills correctly.
    If you have had sex since birth there is a chance that you could be pregnant, you should therefore use another form of contraception, such as a condom. In this case, take your first this pill on the first day of your next period.

A missed pill:

    If you have missed any of the pills in a strip and you do not bleed in the first pill-free break, you may be pregnant. Contact your doctor or family planning clinic or do a pregnancy test yourself.
    If you start a new strip of pills late or make your "week off" longer than seven days, you may not be protected from pregnancy.
    If you had sex in the last seven days, ask your doctor, family planning nurse or pharmacist for advice. You may need to consider emergency contraception. You should also use extra contraception, such as a condom, for seven days.

A lost pill: If you lose a pill, either take the last pill of the strip in place of the lost pill. Then take all the other pills on their proper days. Your cycle will be one day shorter than normal, but your contraceptive protection won't be affected. After your seven pill-free days you will have a new starting day, one day earlier than before.

If you are sick or have diarrhea: If you are sick (vomit) or have very bad diarrhoea your body may not get its usual dose of hormones from that pill. If you vomit within 3 to 4 hours after taking your pill, this is like missing a pill. You must follow the advice for missed pills. If you have severe diarrhoea for more than 12 hours after taking. This pill follow the instructions for if you are more than 12 hours late, A missed pill. Talk to your doctor if your stomach upset carries on or gets worse. He or she may recommend another form of contraception.

Missed a period- could you be pregnant: Occasionally, you may miss a withdrawal bleed. This could mean that you are pregnant, but that is very unlikely if you have taken your pills correctly. Start your next strip at the normal time. If you think that you might have put yourself at risk of pregnancy (for example, by missing pills or taking other medicines), or if you miss a second bleed, you should do a pregnancy test.

Taking more than one pill should not cause harm: It is unlikely that taking more than one pill will do you any harm, but you may feel sick, vomit or have some vaginal bleeding. Talk to your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.

You can delay a period: If you want to delay having a period, finish the strip of pills you are taking. Start the next strip the next day without a break. Take this strip the usual way. After the second strip, leave seven pill-free days as usual, then start your next strip of pills in the normal way. When you use the second strip, you may have some unexpected bleeding or spotting on the days that you take the pill, but don't worry.

When you want to get pregnant: If you are planning a baby, it’s best to use another method of contraception after stopping this pill until you have had a proper period. Your doctor or midwife relies on the date of your last natural period before you get pregnant to tell you when your baby is due. However, it will not cause you or the baby any harm if you get pregnant straight away.


Do not use the combined Pill if you have any of the conditions listed below. If any of these apply to you, tell your doctor before starting to use this tablet. Your doctor may advise you to use a different type of Pill or an entirely different (non-hormonal) method of birth control.

If you have, or have ever had a disorder affecting the blood circulation. In particular, those conditions relating to thrombosis. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot. This may occur in the blood vessels of the legs (deep vein thrombosis), the lungs (pulmonary embolism), the heart (heart attack), the brain (stroke), or other parts of the body.

If you have or have ever had a condition that may be a first sign of a heart attack (such as angina pectoris or chest pain) or stroke (such as transient ischaemic attack or small reversible stroke).

    If you have diabetes mellitus with blood vessel damage.
    If you have jaundice (yellowing of the skin) or severe liver disease.
    If you have or have had cancer of the breast or the genital organs.
    If you have or have had a benign or malignant tumour in the liver.
    If you have any unexplained vaginal bleeding.
    If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant.
    If you are allergic to any of the ingredients of this tablet.
    If any of these conditions appear for the first time while using the Pill, stop taking it at once and consult your doctor. In the meantime, use non-hormonal contraceptive measures.

Side Effects

    Migraine or headache (see a doctor right away if this is your first migraine if it's becoming worse, or if the headache is severe, uncommon, or persistent)
    Whether you're gaining or losing weight, it's important to keep track of your progress
    Breast issues, such as painful or sore breasts; nipple production of milky fluid
    Changes in mood or depression
    Sexual desire changes
    Increased blood pressure, swelling hands, ankles, or feet are all symptoms of heart or circulation disorders (a sign of fluid retention)
    Vaginal secretion changes (Irregular vaginal bleeding)
    Problems with the skin, such as a rash or a bruise-like swelling on the shins (erythema nodosom)
    Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of stomach issues.
    Confusion in the eyes of those who wear it

Pregnancy & Lactation

If you are pregnant, avoid taking this tablet. If you suspect you might be pregnant, do a pregnancy test to be sure before stopping this medication. This tablet should not be taken while breastfeeding. Inquire with your doctor or a family planning nurse about other methods of contraception.

Precautions & Warnings

Before you start to use this tablet: If the combined Pill is used in the presence of any of the conditions listed below you may need to be kept under close observation. Your doctor can explain this to you. Therefore, if any of these apply to you, tell your doctor before starting to use this tablet

    you smoke;
    you have diabetes;
    you are overweight;
    you have high blood pressure;
    you have a heart valve disorder or a certain heart rhythm disorder;
    you have an inflammation of your veins (superficial phlebitis);
    you have varicose veins;
    anyone in your immediate family has had a thrombosis, a heart attack or a stroke;
    you suffer from migraine;
    you suffer from epilepsy;
    you or someone in your immediate family have or had high blood levels of cholesterol or triglycerides (fatty substances);
    anyone in your immediate family has had breast cancer;
    you have liver or gallbladder disease;
    you have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (chronic inflammatory bowel disease);
    you have systemic lupus eryhematosus (SLE; a disease affecting the skin all over the body);
    you have haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS; a disorder of blood coagulation causing failure of the kidneys);
    you have sickle cell disease;
    you have or have had chloasma (yellowish-brown pigmentation patches on the skin, particularly of the face): if so, avoid too much exposure to the sun or ultraviolet radiation.
    If any of the above conditions appear for the first time, recur or worsen while using the Pill, you should contact your doctor.

Thrombosis and the Pill: A thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms and blocks a blood vessel. A thrombosis in the deep veins of the legs can happen at any time (deep venous thrombosis). If the blood clot breaks free from the veins where it forms, it can travel to the lungs' arteries and stop them, resulting in a "Pulmonary embolism." Deep venous thrombosis is a rather uncommon complication. It can happen whether you're on the Pill or not. It's also possible if you get pregnant. Pill users face a larger risk than non-users, but it is not as high as during pregnancy.

Breast cancer has been diagnosed slightly more frequently in women who take the Pill than in women of the same age who do not take it. During the ten years following the Pill's discontinuation, the tiny increase in the number of breast cancer diagnoses steadily fades away. It's unclear whether the Pill is to blame for the discrepancy. It's possible that the women were evaluated more frequently, allowing breast cancer to be detected earlier. In some cases, users of the Pill have developed benign liver tumors, and even more rarely, malignant liver tumors. Internal bleeding may occur as a result of these tumors. If you have severe discomfort in your stoma, see your doctor right once.

Therapeutic Class

Oral Contraceptive preparations

Storage Conditions
Store in a cool & dry place, protect from light & moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.

Pharmaceutical Name

Nuvista Pharma Ltd.

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